Monday, June 30, 2008
National Bird: The Bald Eagle
Friday, June 27, 2008
Top Ten New Species of 2007 Named: Number Nine and Ten
Number Ten: Michelin Man Plant
To see a slideshow of the top ten new species of 2007 named, visit National Geographic.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Top Ten New Species of 2007 Named: Number Seven and Eight
This new species of fungus was discovered on the campus of Imperial College, London. This is probably the least exciting new species that was named, but I wanted you to see all ten. :)
8. Lethal Jellyfish (Malo kingi)
This jellyfish was named after American tourist Robert King, who died after apparently being stung by the species off northern Queensland in Australia in 2002. The new jelly is the second known species of the dangerous Malo box jellyfish genus.
To see a slideshow of the top ten new species of 2007 named, visit National Geographic.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Top Ten New Species of 2007 Named: Number Five and Six
This snake is one of the most venomous in the world. It was discovered in an arid region of Australia in 2007. It made the Top Ten New Species list because accurate identification of snake species can help with proper treatment of bites.
Number Six: Mindoro Stripe-Faced Fruit Bat
Found only on the Phillippine island of Mindoro, this large and charismatic fruit bat has helped advance research on endemic species of the area. It is nicknamed the "flying fox" for its foxlike face. While no population studies have been conducted on the species, it has been suggested that the Mindoro stripe-faced fruit bat may be threatened by hunting and habitat loss due to the general deforestation of forests on Mindoro. The bat is also hunted by the locals for use as food.
To see a slideshow of the top ten new species of 2007 named, visit National Geographic.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Top Ten New Species of 2007 Named: Number Three and Four
This newly discovered millipede originates in Thailand. The bright color of the millipede’s body warns predators that this critter is packing poison in its spines, and it is not a sweet treat. Knowing this, it should be no surprise that this millipede has a habit of sitting in plain sight during the daytime. What does he have to fear?!
Number Four: Sri Lankan Shrub Frog
This frog has been bottled up for over 150 years, but was declared a new species when it was rediscovered last year. The refining of taxonomy in the 18th century has allowed for the discovery of 1.8 billion species, and scientists estimate that there are still over ten million species that have yet to be discovered.
To see a slideshow of the top ten new species of 2007 named, visit National Geographic.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Top Ten New Species of 2007 Named: Numbers One and Two
Number One: Ornate Sleeper Ray (Elecrolux addisoni)
Number Two: Giant Duck-Dilled Dinosaur (Gryposaurus monumentensis)
Come back tomorrow for the next two top new species of 2007. You won't want to miss out on these interesting critters!
To see a slideshow of the top ten new species of 2007 named, visit National Geographic.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Animals of Kung Fu Panda
If you haven't seen Kung Fu Panda, go see it this weekend! It's a hilarious film, and the animals are so cute. I thought it would be fun to take a closer look at each of the main characters in the film and learn more about the animal species.
Of course, first there's Po the panda, who works in his father's noodle shop and turns out to be a kung fu warrior. I won't go into detail here about pandas since I've covered them thoroughly, so if you'd like to read more on pandas, see my previous posts and The Jungle Store's Panda Fact Page.
Check out this clip of Po showing off his moves with Master Shifu:
Mantis is a preying mantis . Mantises are notable for their hunting abilities. Their diet consists of living insects, and sometimes, small animals. Most mantises are ambush predators, waiting for their prey to come too close before snatching them up.
Viper is a viper snake, a very colorful and robust animal. The viper snake lives in wet places and also in mountains in small caves. The viper's bright colors help it survive on the floor of the rain forest. This snake can hang by its tail from a branch and catch its prey, which includes birds, amphibians, lizards, small mammals, and nestling. It kills its prey by injecting poisonous venom from its fangs. The viper snake is endangered because its beautiful, smooth skin is in high demand in the fashion industry.
Crane is most likely a red-crowned crane, a species of bird that is very large and is the second rarest kind of crane in the world. In east Asia, the red-crowned crane is a symbol of luck and fidelity. It eats small amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, insects, and marshy plants. Sadly, the red-crested crane is one of the most endangered species of birds in the world.
Tai Lung is the evil snow leopard who escapes from prison and seeks to destroy the Valley of Peace. The snow leopard is a large cat native to the mountain ranges of Central Asia. It is a rare and secretive animal, and because of this, the exact number that remains in the wild is unknown. Snow leopards live solitary lives, except when females are raising cubs. The leopard eats mostly sheep and goats, as well as small prey including marmots, hares and larger birds. They are opportunistic predators, meaning if there is livestock near, snow leopards will attack them. Want to learn more about snow leopards? Check out Zoobooks "Little Cats" softcover.
Have you seen Kung Fu Panda? What did you think of the movie? Who was your favorite character? I'd have to say mine was Po - he was just too funny! My favorite Po quote: "I just ate... so my kung fu may not be as good as later on."
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Animal News: President Bush Designates New Marine Sanctuary in Hawaii
If you're looking to help protect marine animals, you can buy any of these animal themed card sets. A part of each purchase is donated to help with global conservation,promoting worldwide conservation, and protecting the survival of animals in captivity. The cards are made using soy-based inks and recycled paper.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Animals on the NC Beach: Laughing Gull
Laughing gulls are omnivorous and will scavenge as well as hunt suitable small prey. Being highly vocal, their name comes from their call, which sounds like a series of laughing notes.
Laughing gulls have a white body and dark grey back and wings and a black head. Its wings are much darker than other gulls its size, and they have a long, red bill. In the wintertime, the black head mostly disappears.
This gull takes three years to reach adult plumage. Immature birds are darker and first-year birds are greyer below and have paler heads.
Laughing gulls breed in coastal marshes and ponds in large colonies. The large nest, made mostly of grass, is built on the ground. The male and female gull usually build their nest together. If a male cannot find a mate, he may start building a nest platform and then use it to attract a female. The female gull lays three to four greenish eggs, which are incubated for about three weeks.
The adult laughing gull removes the eggshells from the nest after the eggs hatch. If the shells are not removed, a piece can become lodged on top of the slightly smaller unhatched third egg and prevent it from hatching.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Pandas in Peril: China's Bamboo Dwindling
Monday, June 16, 2008
Rare Sea Dragon Father "Pregnant"
This is only the third time that this rare creature has been observed being "pregnant" in captivity in the United States. These "pregnancies" are rare because researchers don't know what prompts them to mate, and so they have been unable to optimize conditions for courtship.
The Georgia Aquarium must have done something right when they recently changed the lighting and thinned out the plants to give the sea dragons more room to court each other.
This sea dragon's due date is sometime in July.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Good Fathers - Frogs

Or this adorable stroller.
But it is not so for the Assa Darlingtoni, or, to use his more common name, the Hip Pocket Frog.

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Good Fathers - Sand Grouses

The Burchell's Sand Grouse lives in and around the Kalahari Desert in Africa. Once thought to be members of the pigeon family they have been genetically linked to wading birds even though they are strictly a land bird. Living in and around a desert makes foraging time consuming and finding water an odyssey. The sand grouse will fly long distances in groups of 100 or more to bath and drink. During mating season the monogamous sand grouse pair will find an indentation in the desert soil in which to lay the eggs. Nesting duties are shared, with the male spending just as much time incubating the eggs as the female. When the chicks hatch they are fairly self-sufficient except when it comes to finding water. Unable to fly, it is up to dad to make sure the brood gets a drink. The male sand grouse has specially adapted belly feathers that can store water. Flying as far as 100 miles each way, the father sand grouse soaks himself, storing close to 20 ml of water. Returning to his chicks, they cluster about him, drinking directly from his feathers.

I'm grateful that my husband is willing to take the 3 sippy cups down the hall and up the stairs for the kiddos. I'm just not sure he'd be as willing if the "Can I have a drink of water?" chore involved gassing up the Volvo for a 3-hour drive.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Good Fathers - Seahorses

Male and Female seahorses form a monogamous pair during the breeding season. They strengthen their bond by daily greetings, promenades and pirouettes. During mating, the female deposits her eggs in the male's brood pouch. There they are fertilized and then embedded in the pouches walls. The brood pouch acts like a womb although it looks more like a honeycomb structure. The fertilized eggs will receive nutrients, oxygen and protection for the next 2 – 4 weeks, depending on species of seahorse. The fluid inside the male's brood pouch will slowly change from an amniotic-like substance to fluid more closely resembling seawater. This will lessen the shock to the offspring when they are born. The male seahorse does go into labor and does deliver his children in the classic sense. The birth generally happens at night so the male seahorse will be ready for a new batch of eggs from his mate when they meet in the morning.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Good Fathers - Marmosets
Marmosets are small primates found in the jungles of South America. They live in stable, family groups consisting of a monogamously mated pair, offspring and extended family members. When babies are born, it is almost always fraternal twins. The father helps the mother through delivery; he cleans the infants and carries them on his back for their first months of life. When the infants need nursing, he will return them to their mother, and both parents partake in the socially important ritual of grooming their young. When the babies are weaned to solid food, it is the father who feeds them and teaches them where to find a meal.

Scientists were conducting experiments on marmosets to test male testosterone levels when introduced to the scent of ovulating females. In most other primates, male testosterone levels shot up, making them more aggressive and anxious to mate. Not so among marmoset dads. Their testosterone levels remained the same, perhaps because they need to remain available to their mate and committed to the rearing of their children. A subsequent study comparing marmoset fathers with marmosets who had no off-spring found that the dads had better connected neurons and more activity in the prefrontal cortex of their brain. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that allows higher, more complex planning and the ability to handle tasks. According to the scientists, it was not the simple act of fathering a child that caused the increased brain connectivity, but the process of parenting. Marmoset fathers are responsible for over 70% of their offspring's care. Nice to know they've got the brain power to handle it.
Carmen Busko provided our photograph.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Good Fathers - Catfish
Studies are not quite definitive on where the female hardhead deposits her fertilized eggs. She may lay them in a shallow depression in the sea or river bed, or she may deposit them directly into the male catfish's mouth. Either way, that is where the eggs end up - in the male's mouth. The entire clutch is not large, perhaps 2 - 3 dozen, but they are big, each one about the size of a golf ball. For the next 2 months the male will "mouthbrood", allowing the eggs to develop into frys, aka baby fish. Once the eggs have hatched and the young are free-swimming, the male will open his mouth and let his children out.

Friday, June 6, 2008
"J" if for Jennet

Spanish explorers brought the jennet with them as they conquered new territories. Christopher Columbus chose 25 of the horses to accompany him on his second trip to the New World. Cortez is said to have brought horses "with a wide variety of colors and markings," when he moved to conquer the Aztec empire. The jennet's natural athleticism and good temperament would make them an ideal mount.
The jennet no longer exists as it did in the Middle Ages. As stated, the jennet was not truly a breed of horse. However, this style of horse—athletic, smooth-gaited, and multi-hued—is considered the foundation bloodstock for a number of American horse breeds, including the mustang. A group called the Spanish Jennet Horse Society has dedicated themselves to "re-creating the rare and exclusive horses that courageously glided through the reclamation of Spain and the discovery and exploration of the New World." I certainly hope they will be able to recover this lost treasure from our past.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
"J" is for Jellyfish

They were jellyfish, of course. There are around 2,000 species of jellyfish inhabiting all the waters of the world. They come in many shapes, sizes, colors and toxicity. Did I say toxicity? You bet I did. Jellyfish have no brain, no spine and no bones, but they do have a nasty sting. When anything brushes against the jellyfish's tentacles, the tentacles react, firing harpoons of poison into the victim. Since the jellyfish has no brain to direct assaults, the tentacles react independently, to touch stimuli. They are part of a "nerve net." This means even if the tentacles are no longer attached to the major body mass, or bell, of the jellyfish, they can still sting. Also, seeing a jellyfish washed up on the shore is no security against being stung. If the tentacles are wet they still may be able to inject you with poison. Although only a few jellyfish species can kill humans, most will sting, and the pain can last for hours. Best practice is to avoid touching jellyfish with your bare skin.
The jellies we gathered on the beach in Rhode Island were not harmful to humans. Still, even as children, we had been taught not to handle anything until we knew what it was. Sound advice. In July of 2006, Rhode Island beaches got a "jolt" when Portuguese Man-of-Wars invaded the coast. Although not technically a jellyfish (they are siphonophores, a colony of organisms that live and hunt together), the Man-of-War can be lethal to humans, and attacks with a powerfully painful sting even after it's washed ashore. So, when it comes to oddities on the beach, remember, no touchy.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
"J" is for Jack Russell

Trump was purchased on the road from a milkman that Russell happened to be passing. Perhaps sparking to her looks, since he'd had no opportunity to see her hunt, Parson Russell took her back to Oxford and bred her with a white Devon hunt terrier. The Jack Russell was established.
"Lively, active and alert in appearance. Fearless and happy in disposition. They should never appear nervous, cowardly or over-aggressive. They should always be confident."
I've owned terriers in my life (Scotties and Airedales) and I must admit to favoritism for the group. Their independence, intelligence and wit keeps me challenged. Their stout-heartedness and loyalty keeps me devoted. I've never owned a Jack, they may be a bit more terrier than I am willing to take on, but I do admire them. Always happy, full of energy, they are not a breed to be ignored. Just watch the clip below if you don't believe me.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"J" is for Jackal

Egyptians had more reverence for the Jackal. Their ancient god of the dead, Anubis, is pictured as a man with a jackal's head. Anubis held sway over mummification and guiding the dead to the afterlife and is prolifically depicted on the walls of tombs and pyramids.
Jackals mate for life and will form small family packs, decreasing the mortality rate of new litters by letting the last litter help to rear the pups. All members of the family take part in defending territory, protecting each other and hunting. Yes, jackals do hunt, and are listed as carnivores. More appropriately they should be considered opportunistic omnivores as they will feed on carrion, garbage and have a penchant for corn and fruit. A jackal makes no attempt to hide the finding of food but lets the rest of the family know with loud yips and screams. Jackals are extremely vocal. The origin of their name—the Sanskrit word srgala—literally means "the howler."

Monday, June 2, 2008
"J" is for Junebug
Until the beetles come out.
Junebugs, aka May Beetles, aka Green June Beetles (real creative naming going on with these guys) are indigenous to North America. They start life as underground larvae and stay underground, rising each spring to the root system of your lawn or crops where they will feed. Come the fall they burrow deeper into the earth and over-winter. This is a 3-year cycle. When the larvae reach their third spring, they will have pupated into the beetles we recognize. The beetle is a bit shorter than 1 inch in length and encased in a hard brown, black, or dark green shell. It is a true beetle and capable of flight. Although nocturnal, the male junebugs in particular are drawn to light. They swarm my porch lights, ricocheting from the ceiling, falling on my head, on my book, in my drink. *ick* As adults, Junebugs do not cause near the damage to plants that they cause in the larval stage. As adults, they are merely annoying. This stage of their life will be brief as they have only emerged from the ground to feed, and mate and die.
Maybe if I keep my porch lights off, they can get on with their evening activities and I can get on with mine.

Junebug photograph provided by Jim Occi
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Symbiosis - Badgers and Birds
My favorite example of this symbiotic relationship is the cooperation found between the Honeyguide bird, a small, dull-colored bird, and the Ratel, also known as the Honey Badger. I'm sure you've caught the similar word in their names and yes, the sweet stuff happens to be their treat of choice. Both the honeyguide and the ratel prefer honey, combs, bees and larvae to just about anything else. Problem is, alone neither is really up to the task of procuring it. The honeyguide can find a bee hive, but hasn't the size or strength to take on the multitudes within. The ratel is like other badgers, tough and strong with sharp, raking claws. The ratel can certainly break into a hive; it just can't find one easily. Once a honeyguide finds a hive, it starts looking for a honey badger. Making a clattering fuss, the bird gets the badger's attention and starts a slow, flitting process back towards the hive, making sure the badger is following. There is not doubt, that the honeybird is leading the ratel. Once there, the ratel decimates the hive, tearing it to pieces and feasting on the goodies within. The honeyguide bird usually waits until the badger's frenzy is done before helping itself to the left-over wax, honey and larvae.