Egyptians had more reverence for the Jackal. Their ancient god of the dead, Anubis, is pictured as a man with a jackal's head. Anubis held sway over mummification and guiding the dead to the afterlife and is prolifically depicted on the walls of tombs and pyramids.
Jackals mate for life and will form small family packs, decreasing the mortality rate of new litters by letting the last litter help to rear the pups. All members of the family take part in defending territory, protecting each other and hunting. Yes, jackals do hunt, and are listed as carnivores. More appropriately they should be considered opportunistic omnivores as they will feed on carrion, garbage and have a penchant for corn and fruit. A jackal makes no attempt to hide the finding of food but lets the rest of the family know with loud yips and screams. Jackals are extremely vocal. The origin of their name—the Sanskrit word srgala—literally means "the howler."

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