Until the beetles come out.
Junebugs, aka May Beetles, aka Green June Beetles (real creative naming going on with these guys) are indigenous to North America. They start life as underground larvae and stay underground, rising each spring to the root system of your lawn or crops where they will feed. Come the fall they burrow deeper into the earth and over-winter. This is a 3-year cycle. When the larvae reach their third spring, they will have pupated into the beetles we recognize. The beetle is a bit shorter than 1 inch in length and encased in a hard brown, black, or dark green shell. It is a true beetle and capable of flight. Although nocturnal, the male junebugs in particular are drawn to light. They swarm my porch lights, ricocheting from the ceiling, falling on my head, on my book, in my drink. *ick* As adults, Junebugs do not cause near the damage to plants that they cause in the larval stage. As adults, they are merely annoying. This stage of their life will be brief as they have only emerged from the ground to feed, and mate and die.
Maybe if I keep my porch lights off, they can get on with their evening activities and I can get on with mine.

Junebug photograph provided by Jim Occi
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