Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween should be a fun time for everyone in your family, including your pets. To make sure your pets have a good holiday AND stay safe, follow these Halloween pet safety tips.
  • Make sure they stay out of the candy. Most people know that dark chocolate is bad for dogs, but the artificial sweetener xylitol, used in many candies, is just as dangerous. Keep the candy out of reach from your pets to avoid toxic ingestion.
  • Make sure any Halloween decorations that have electrical wires or cords are kept out of reach so you pets can chew through them, shocking themselves (and doing damage to your decorations)!

  • If you decide to dress up your pet, make sure they are wearing a costume that is comfortable and non-restrictive, so they can move and breathe easily. Also make sure the costume doesn't hinder their sight or sound.
  • When opening the door for trick-or-treaters, make sure your pet doesn't dart out and get lost in the night. A good option is to have them in another room, like the kitchen. This is also a good suggestion for pets who get stressed around strangers or a lot of people.

  • Sadly, black cats are prime targets for cruel Halloween "pranks". Keep a close eye on your cat when it's outside or minimize its time outside on the days before and during Halloween.

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