Friday, May 4, 2012

Animals Native To Mexico

Since Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow, we thought we'd get into the spirit of things by featuring a few of the animals that are native to Mexico! Did you know that all of the animals listed were from Mexico?

Mexican Grey Wolf
 The Mexican grey wolf is one of the smallest wolf subspecies, getting no bigger than 4 to 5 feet in length and weighing 60 to 80 pounds (about the size of a German shepherd). Lobos, as they are often called, travel in small packs and hunt for elk, deer and, occasionally, livestock. 

Ocelots are hard to see or study because they are only active at night. Their eyes are specially designed with an extra layer on the inside that collects light, letting them see well in the dark. During the day, ocelots stay hidden and sleep in bushes, on tree limbs or hollow tree trunks.

 Donkeys are domesticated members of the horse family. A male donkey is called a jack, a female is a jennet and a young donkey is a foal. It's a popular misconception that donkeys and mules are the same thing; donkeys are bred with mares to produce mules.

 Depending on the region, pumas are also known as cougars, mountain lions or panthers. This territorial, solitary cat is a stalk-and-ambush predator, feeding on deer, elk, moose, sheep and domesticated cattle and horses. Pumas can live out in the open but prefer areas with dense underbrush and rocky areas.

 The jaguar is one of the "big cats", smaller than only the lion and the tiger. Although its coat closely resembles that of a leopard, jaguars are typically larger and have a sturdier build. Jaguars prefer dense rainforests as habitats, and are often found along water. They are one of the few big cats that like to swim.

 Coatis are members of the raccoon family. They have paws and markings similar to raccoons, walk on the soles of their feet and are double jointed like raccoons. Coatis are very smart, have strong limbs and like to dig. They are active during both day and night.


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