Friday, November 11, 2011

Bailey the Pet Buffalo

Just like your family dog, Bailey Jr. loves to go on car rides. However, the fact that he is a six foot tall, eight foot long bison makes taking those trips a little more complicated!
Owner Jim Sautner of Alberta, Canada had to seriously modify his Pontiac Bonneville so Bailey Jr. could fit; not to mention beefing up the car to handle his 1,820lb weight! The three and a half year old steer even gets his own bucket of oats to munch on during the drive.
Being as the car isn’t exactly road legal with Bailey Jr. in the passenger’s seat, Jim has to restrict his travels to parades and private roads.

Bailey Jr. isn’t Jim’s first buffalo. After the passing of their previous bison, Bailey Sr. in 2008 the Sautners decided they missed having a bison as part of the family, and adopted young Bailey Jr. from a friend.
Far from just a farm animal, Bailey Jr. is like a shadow to Jim, who believes Bailey thinks of him as his mother. Bailey Jr. loves being chased around by Jim on his four wheeler, or just relaxing in the living room. He may very well be the world’s largest “puppy dog”!


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