Monday, August 1, 2011

Aquatic Cleaning Stations

While there may indeed be a week-long celebration of sharks on a certain network, today I thought I would present you guys with some of the unsung heroes of the marine world, the cleaner fish.

Like any animal, a fish can develop skin problems, become afflicted with parasites and get generally dirty. Without the ability to take care of any of these problems themselves, some fish have developed a mutually beneficial relationship with one another.

Certain species of fish are known as cleaner fish. They provide a service to other fish (even sharks) by removing parasites and dead skin from their bodies and food particles from their mouths. It’s mutually beneficial because the cleaner fish feeds on what it removes while the client fish reaps the health benefits.

A pair of cleaner wrasses go to work on a client
The best known cleaner fish is called the cleaner wrasse. These are small fish identifiable by their horizontal stripes. They congregate at “cleaning stations” near the sea floor in the Indian and Pacific oceans. When approached by client fish at these stations, the cleaner wrasses will go to work on whatever part of the client that needs cleaned, even swimming into their gills and mouths if necessary. Although the client fish are easily capable of eating the tiny wrasses, they recognize the service they provide and do not prey upon them.

Other marine animals that provide a similar service are several types of gobies and cleaner shrimp.

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