Sunday, September 9, 2007

A whale of a smile

The beluga whale is a white whale that primarily lives in the Arctic. Its name comes from the Russian word for white. In size, the average 14-16 feet (males) with a maximum length of 20 feet and 13-14 feet (females), with a maximum length of 17 feet. They weigh in the 3000 to 3,300 pound range.

Belugas can nod and turn their heads, unlike most other whales whose neck vertebrae are fused. They also don’t have dorsal fins, which allows them to go under the ice more easily.

About 20 years ago I got to see one face-to-face in the Long Island Aquarium—lovely! See if this video clip makes you smile.



  1. Great blog. I was looking through the store. Can you tell me where the products are manufactured? It is a concern because of the lead in paint and formaldehyde in clothing.


  2. I checked with our inventory people and here's what they said:
    "We have so many vendors there is no way to tell where everything is manufactured. We do take things off the site if there is a recall." My understanding is that we don't currently sell any toys made by Mattel.


  3. Would you ask if any of the toys are manufactured in China?

  4. Inventory doesn't have a way to know which, if any, came from China. If there's a particular item you want to know about, I can have them research that one.


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