Thursday, July 3, 2008

Keep Animals Safe on Independence Day!

Since tomorrow is the Fourth of July, I won't be writing a post as usual. However, today I'd like to talk about how to keep your companion animals safe during the craziness tomorrow. With some extra precautions, your animals can remain safe and secure on Independence Day. Here are some tips I found at the IDA website:

1. Leave your animals at home when you go to see the fireworks.

2. Before you leave, make sure your animals are in a safe, quiet place. If your animal is afraid of loud noises, you might want to crate them or at least remove any items that the animal could destroy or eat. Leaving a TV or radio playing at normal volume can help comfort your companion animals. Consult with your veterinarian before July 4th for ways to help alleviate the fear and anxiety caused by fireworks displays.

3. Check that your companion animals have ID tags on so that if they do become lost, they can be returned safely home.

4. Never leave animals outside, even in a fenced yard or run because the noise might prompt them to run away or become entangled in their chain.

5. Never use fireworks around animals! While exposure to lit fireworks can potentially result in severe burns and/or trauma to the face and paws of curious animals, even unused fireworks can pose a danger. Many types contain potentially toxic substances, including potassium nitrate, arsenic and other heavy metals.

Have a fun and safe Fourth of July!

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