Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pandas in Peril: China's Bamboo Dwindling

Bamboo, the staple diet of pandas, is reportedly dwindling after last month's earthquake in China's Sichuan province. On May 12, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 struck Sichuan. It was the most devastating earthquake in China in more than three decades. The earthquake sparked aftershocks and landslides. The landslides covered the bamboo area, and there is only 3-5 months' supply left for pandas to eat.

Some animals at an area zoo had to be evacuated and nursed back to health after the path to the zoo was blocked by a landslide. The animals were suffering from malnutrition. View National Geographic's video coverage of this story here: China Pandas' Bamboo Dwindling

For more information on pandas, visit our Panda Fact Page!

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