Sunday, March 16, 2008

Big 12 Tournament

I usually write to you a lot sooner than this on a Sunday, but why discuss the possible outcome of the Big 12 Tournament when we can discuss the outcome.

The University of Kansas Jayhawks beat the University of Texas at Austin Longhorns 84 – 74. It was hard fought game and the lead changed multiple times, keeping the contest much closer than the final score implies. Yesterday, I told you about Jayhawks and what feisty, aggressive birds they would be, if they were real. When you learn about the Texas Longhorn, you’ll know why the Big 12 Tournament Championship was such a wonderful game.

The Texas Longhorn is a self-sufficient, hardy, intelligent breed of cattle. They can thrive where other cattle breeds fail. Needing little water, the Texas Longhorn will find forage in near desert conditions and can survive under extremely harsh weather conditions. Longhorn calves are tough and the entire breed is resistant to parasites and disease. Despite their easy management and unparalleled hardiness, their leaner beef quality was seen as a drawback and by 1924, the Texas Longhorn was almost extinct. The United States Forestry service collected a small herd and built the breed back up, keeping them in Texas State Parks. Their novelty, variance of color and incredible horns soon drew the attention of other cattle enthusiasts. The Texas Longhorn is continuing to increase in numbers as beef preferences have changed. What once was a deficit is now an asset and the Longhorn’s lean, low cholesterol, low calorie meat is highly prized.

Let’s hope for a rematch of Kansas and Texas in the National Basketball Championship. It’ll be a great game to watch.

Image:Texas Longhorn logo.svg

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