Friday, January 21, 2011

Animal Pic of the Day: Cheetah vs. Cobra

This probably isn't the best idea that particular cheetah ever had...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pensive Bear

This specimen of the Asian Black Bear looks like he's taking a break. Feel free to submit your own captions for this one, here's ours:

"I wish I had a newspaper... and retractable claws... and opposable thumbs..."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Animal Pic of the Day: Watch out, Giraffe!

The giraffe doesn't seem to notice the lion, did you? Click for larger image.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Awesome Pets: Barn Owl

We should make the point that it's usually a bad idea to try to make a pet out of a wild animal. Many situations in which an untrained person tries end up in injury or death for the animal, and sometimes even for the prospective pet owner as well.

Regardless, some people manage to do just fine with their unique choices of pets. Like this guy with his pet Barn Owl:

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Penguin Game: Hop the Seal!

If you're a bored penguin and you've got an extra seal lying around...