Friday, May 25, 2007

Zebra Stripes

Zebras have uniquely identifiable stripes.

We have resently added some cool zebra print stationary to the site.


Researchers have recently discovered a turtle’s organs do not gradually break down or become less efficient over time.

We have added a lot of new great turtle items.


Every Giraffe has a unique pattern of spots.

Our 71 inch giraffe inflatable is one of our most popular items at The Jungle Store.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Scared Penguin

Penguins typically are not scared of humans and have approached them on occasion.

That is Fast

The cheetah can reach speeds of over 65 miles per hour.

Lots of Frog

There are over 5000 species of frogs.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Crab Legs

True crabs have five pairs of legs, the first of which are modified into a pair of claws and are not used for locomotion.

Tame Moose?

As of 2003, there were 33 tame Moose at the Kostroma Moose Farm.

Cool Armadillo Fact

Armadillos can be housebroken.

Our selection of armadillo items are very popular.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Beautiful Butterflies

There are between 15,000 and 20,000 species of butterflies.

You can find a great collection of butterfly gifts at The Jungle Store.

Turtles in the Ocean

The sea turtle is the only species of turtle that lives in the open ocean.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


The record-sized giraffe was 19.2 feet tall and weighed approximately 4,400 lbs.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


An average Beaver can cut down 200 trees per year.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Can Whales Get A Good Night's Sleep?

Unlike most animals, whales are conscious breathers. All mammals sleep, but whales cannot afford to become unconscious for long because they may drown. It is thought that only one hemisphere of the whale's brain sleeps at a time, so they rest but are never completely asleep.

If they can't really sleep, does that mean whales don't dream?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Types Of Zebras

There are three types of zebra species: the plains zebra, the mountain Zebra and Grévy'ss zebra. The plains zebra is the most common type and has 12 subspecies living in much of southern and eastern Africa.

Plains zebra
Plains zebra
The mountain zebra lives in southwest Africa and tends to have a sleek coat with a white belly and narrower stripes than the plains Zebra.

Mountain zebra
Mountain zebra
Grévy's zebra is the largest type, with a long, narrow head, making it appear rather mule-like. Grévy's zebra is the rarest species, and is classified as endangered.

Grevy's zebras
Grevy's zebra
Can you tell much of a difference between the three species of zebras? It's OK, we really can't either ;-)

Friday, May 4, 2007

By The Numbers: Dairy Cows

The average cow produces approximately 2,305 gallons of milk each year, which equals to 6.5 gallons each day. The record amount for a cow to produce in one year was 7,000 gallons! Over her lifetime, a dairy cow will produce enough milk to fill 350,000 glasses.

Farmer Milking Cow

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Animal Facts: Snake Teeth

Did you know that most species of snakes of six rows of teeth? They have two rows of teeth on their upper jaw and four rows of teeth on the bottom.

Snake teeth
Say "ahhhh"
And while all snakes have teeth, not all snakes have what are classified as fangs. Fangs are long, hollow teeth that emit poison, which means only venomous snakes have them. Some snakes have fangs that can fold back into their mouth so they don't bite themselves.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Animal Facts: Wild Penguins

All wild penguins live south of the equator. And despite popular belief, not all wild penguins live in cold climates such as Antarctica. Few actually live that far south, with most wild penguins inhabiting more mild climates. One species, the Galapagos Penguin, actually lives close to the equator.

Wild Penguins

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Animal Facts: Tigers & Predators

Other than man, tigers have no natural predators.